The task is to pipe together two subprocesses, and we also want to be able to get both their exit codes while accumulating their output into memory.
import subprocess
params = {
'args': ['gzip', '-dc', 'alice.txt.gz'],
'stdout': subprocess.PIPE
with subprocess.Popen(**params) as p1:
with subprocess.Popen(args=['tr', '[:upper:]', '[:lower:]'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as p2:
stdout_data, stderr_data = p2.communicate()
print("Length of data on pipe:", len(stdout_data))
e1 = p1.wait()
print("Return code of p1 was:", e1)
e2 = p2.wait()
print("Return code of p2 was:", e2)
use IPC::Run qw(harness);
use Data::Dump qw(dump);
use v5.20.2;
my $gzip = ['gzip', '-dc', 'alice.txt.gz'];
my $tr = ['tr', '[:lower:]', '[:upper:]'];
my $buf;
my $h = harness $gzip, '|', $tr, '>', \$buf;
my @results = $h->results();
say "Length is ", length $buf;
say dump(\@results);
The comparison is slightly unfair because subprocess
is a standard module,
whereas IPC::Run is only available on CPAN.