This C-R-A issue is an instance of a larger concept which surfaces frequently in the open source community now, where the maintainers of a project decide to outright ignore a large section of the user base and mark their bug WONTFIX. This has happened throughout history but recently projects have become divided into two real categories. Category 1 is "open source in name but largely closed to contributions and certainly closed to design debate" -- this is what larger projects tend to become, and projects run by companies generally start off this way and get worse over time. Category 2 is "open source & community driven", this is broadly how I'd characterize projects like Debian, Python, and the majority of smaller projects (especially software libraries).

Category 1 projects do the following: Remove features, regardless of whether users want them or not. Try desperately to reduce the size of their test matrix by reducing features. Justify not adding very popular wanted features based on their test matrix. Justify not merging PRs because the author wasn't "in-group". Accuse anyone who criticizes these policies of being 'entitled'. Opportunistically co-opt the language of therapy and self-care to support these decisions, which really doesn't apply when the majority of maintainers of category 1 projects are paid contributors (see Silva 2013 for more on the omnipresence of the language of therapy, and of course "self-care" is a co-opted concept from Lorde).

Another example of this is this request to add shell hooks to Docker. Again there's some justification for this decision.

A proto-version of this division surfaced in the systemd controversy years ago, that continues to rumble on. This is overall way less important than it was made out to be at the time; for reference, I take the side of systemd on a technical basis (and I think that in this case the users against systemd were largely wrong), but it perfectly exemplifies this developers-as-Eloi, users-as-Morlocks approach. Note that I am NOT saying that all one-man FOSS projects have a responsibility to implement whatever users want.

Firefox over the last 5 years has become far more of a category 1 project than it used to be. GNOME has also been a category 1 project for many years.

Update 2022-02-22: The category 1 projects roll on.